Rawalpindi Punjab Arts Council in collaboration with All Pakistan Private Schools Management Association organized Kalam-e-Iqbal, Speech and Tableau competitions to mark Iqbal Day in a befitting manner.
Naheed Manzoor and Director of Arts Council Waqar Ahmed were the chief guests of the competitions, While Member DRA Rawalpindi & President APPSMA Malik Ibrar Ahmad Khan and Divisional President APPSMA Aamir participated in the ceremony as guests of honors.
Addressing the ceremony, Naheed Manzoor said that Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s poetry is a bright chapter in the history of Urdu language. Allama Iqbal gave the Muslims of the subcontinent political backing through his speech. He woke up the nation from the dream of neglect and awakened the spirit to decide their destiny, she added.
Director Arts Council Waqar Ahmad said that Allama Iqbal gave a message of unity to the Muslim Ummah through his poetry. He is considered as a modern Sufi. His main tendency in poetry was towards Sufism and the revival of the Islamic Ummah.
His philosophy is recognized all over the world. City Lyceum School won first, Rising Stars Public School second, Bright land Secondary School third and Umbreen Educational Hub won fourth position in tableaus competitions. In speech competitions, Kanwal Nazir, Hadiya Noor, Tahmi Abid and Manahil Riaz were awarded the first, second, third and fourth prizes respectively.
In the Kalam Iqbal competition, Ayesha Lathani School got the first position, Umbrian Educational Hub got the second position, AIMS School Girls got the third position and Paradise Public School got the fourth position. At the end of the competitions, shields and certificates of appreciation were distributed to the schools and children who secured positions.