The creation of Pakistan is more than a historical milestone- it is the like the dreams that etched in Jinnah’s heart. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the father of the nation versioned the dream of unity, justice and equality. He thought of a place where diversity of any kind was not just acknowledged but adopted, where all and sundry could witness safeguard of their rights regardless of religion, caste, or ethnicity. His dream was deeply rooted in Islamic principles and aimed at fostering harmony. Jinnah’s sacrifices are unforgettable. He could have led a comfortable life practicing law in England, yet he chose a path of struggle and sleepless nights. He dedicated his life and every effort to lead the Muslims of the subcontinent toward a dignified, self-respecting, and distinctive identity as Muslims.
But today, as we question how far we have followed Jinnah’s vision, how we have achieved it, and how loyal we have been to Jinnah’s struggle for a harmonious nation, we have nothing to say apologetically. We are divided on the basis of religion, sectarianism, and self-interests. Instead of embracing a collective identity as Pakistanis, we often prefer to define by ethnic lines-Punjabi, Sindhi, Pakhtun, Baloch, Kashmiri. This kind of mindset is a clear violation of Jinnah’s roadmap given to us.
Jinnah’s birthday demands that we rekindle his dream of a united Pakistan. It is time to bring all people together under one mission, one idea, and one promise-Jinnah’s Pakistan. This can be achieved through practical steps such as strengthening our national identity through campaigns that highlight unity and cooperation. Grievances of those who feel alienated must be addressed, as their disillusionment and unresolved problems keep them from embracing the cause of national unity.
Inclusive education that instills values of unity and justice is urgently required. The state must prioritize providing higher education in regions where people feel disconnected from the national cause, enabling them to actively contribute to the country’s progress and fostering national integration. Interfaith harmony is a cornerstone of Jinnah’s vision. The violence and chaos stemming from religious differences must end. Religious leaders must unite under the Islamic command: “Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.” Jinnah envisioned a Pakistan where Muslims, Hindus, Parsis, and others could practice their faith peacefully. Art and culture can serve as powerful tools to bind people together. The government and civil society should organize cultural festivals that celebrate the traditions of all regions of Pakistan. Such events can teach us that Punjabis, Sindhis, Pashtuns, Baloch, and Kashmiris all stand united under the national flag.
Finally, Jinnah’s principles of selflessness must be embodied by everyone without selective application. His philosophy is a remedy for the challenges Pakistan faces today. Jinnah dreamed of a united Pakistan, and his vision can guide us to a brighter future. Jinnah’s vision of united and harmonious Pakistan requires collective effort and dedication. By following his principles of unity, justice and selflessness, we can address the divisions and challenges that hinder the way of united Pakistan. It is time to realize that Jinnah’s struggle was for us and we have honor his sacrifices in order to make Pakistan prosperous for future generations.