Unidentified men abducted six labourers in Quetta’s Margat Saturday night, said police Sunday. A police spokesperson informed that the labourers were working on a cellphone tower of a private company in the area when they were kidnapped.
Three labourers were released later, he said. He added that two of them belong to Balochistan and the third one is a resident of Gujrat. In February, three labourers were killed and one injured after unidentified men opened fire at them in Kalat’s Mangajar. They hailed from Punjab’s Sadiqabad. Earlier this year in January, ten labourers from the Hazara community were killed after unidentified men opened fire at a coal mine in Balochistan’s Machh.
According to the Levies force, they were first kidnapped from a mine and then shot. Following the massacre, families of the bereaved took to the streets in Quetta and protested in minus degrees for more than a week.